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PM4 Troubleshooting

Known Issues

If you find a problem with the PM4 firmware that is not listed below, please email so we can research it. Please tell us exactly what you were doing, what you observed, and what you expected to happen.

If you need help determining which list applies to your monitor, check your firmware version. Generally, if no resolution is listed for an older version of firmware, updating your firmware to the current version will resolve the issue.

Known Issues for Firmware Versions 304–313

Versions 311–313

There are no known issues for Versions 311 or 313 at this time.

Versions 304–310

Issue 1: Error code 573-1 may occur when powering up the performance monitor.
Resolution 1: Update your PM4 firmware.

Issue 2: The PM4 flickers, fades, or shuts off when connected to a Mac that has HP printer/scanner or some other HP device software installed on it. If you are not sure whether you have HP device software installed on your computer, please email for assistance.
Resolution 2: This issue is resolved in PM4 Firmware Version 308 Beta 1 and higher. Update your firmware.

Important: To successfully install the firmware, you will need to use either a Windows PC or a Mac that does not have the HP software installed on it. If you do not have access to another PC or Mac, you will need to uninstall the HP software to allow for the PM4 update. To uninstall the HP software, use the uninstall link for the HP software under Applications, or contact HP for instructions. You may reinstall the HP software after updating the PM4.

Version 305

Changing to higher speeds for Venue Racing not consistent.

Known Issues for Firmware Versions 26 or Lower

Version 25–26

There are no known issues for Versions 25 or 26 at this time.

Version 24

Issue: When accessing certain Information and Help screens, the performance monitor may display error code 42 or higher.
Resolution: Update your firmware. Until you are able to update the firmware, press Menu|Back to return to the previous screen and continue using the monitor.

Versions 21 and Lower

Issue: Static discharge causes erratic behavior of PM4. Typically, a Just Row/Just Ski workout counts up to a minute or two of rowing/skiing then starts over at 0 again or a fixed time or distance workouts for about a minute and then just freezes as if the workout is over.
Resolution: Reset the monitor using the reset button on the back.

Version 21

Issue 1: An infinite loop and/or a 44–94 error may occur when the following conditions are true:

  • The monitor is on a "Just Row/Just Ski" workout
  • The workout duration has just passed the two hour mark
  • The monitor is showing the "All Numbers" workout view (the view that appears when you press the top grey button on the right of the monitor face during a workout)
  • A LogCard is present in the monitor

If a LogCard is not present but the first three conditions are true, the monitor may present an infinite loop error and appear to reset, but will actually continue logging the workout.

Issue 2: If your PM4 is connected to a computer via the USB cable, and you stop rowing/skiing during a time interval of a variable interval workout (you must have stopped rowing/skiing long enough for there to be a period of inactivity on the PM4), the PM4 terminates the workout but does not return to the Main Menu.

Version 19

Issue: 933 errors have been reported when a PM4 is connected to a computer that is not running any software and Menu|Back is pressed at the end of a workout.
Resolution: The immediate resolution is to unplug the USB cable from the PM4, press Menu|Back until the Main Menu is displayed, and then plug the USB cable back in. The long-term solution is to update your firmware.

Version 16

Issue 1: There have been rare reports of LogCards being inserted and being formatted, because the PM4 thinks that the LogCard is a factory fresh card. Version 19 has added a prompt before formatting cards.

Issue 2: LogCard corruption may occur when using third party software such as RowPro.

Issue 3: Aborted Variable workouts do not correctly log results to the LogCard.

Issue 4: Error 137–84 occurs when deleting the first user on a LogCard with multiple users.

Issue 5: The Add User and Edit User screens contained bugs.

Issue 6: A few issues with Venue Racing are present.

Issue 7: Various screen formatting issues are present.

Version 14

Issue 1: A 571 error occurs when the rechargeable battery pack is in use and the PM4 powers up.
Resolution 1: See the Resolution for Error Code 571

Issue 2: With older Suunto T6 belts, the PM4 allows you select the belt but no heart rate information is displayed while you are rowing/skiing.
Resolution 2: Update your firmware.